I can't believe I here wasting my time wrapping up these bottles properly ('cause my friend who goin' to L.A. has to put them in her suitcase since they don't let you take liquids in your carry-on on planes anymore) to send for this young girl to stave off the flu I know she goin' catch any day now, and you believe she let somebody throw a bucket o' water pon she?
And not only that, but she let them magazine people put she in some skimpy, back-out clothes too. I feel cold just looking at she, denn.

I swear...I don't feel like sending nothing fuh she no more. She lucky it would look bad to return coconut oil and Vicks to the pharmacy. Anyhoo, Father God know the chile need something to keep she warm.

Anyway, all jokes aside, Rih-Rih girl, do your thing. Just remember we don't want you to have laryngitis when you collect that Grammy next year.
Photos: www.gossipboulevard.com
I just saw this entry and judging from your “care package” you have a personal relationship and direct channel to Rihanna. I wonder if you can use your influence, read these poems and share them with Rihanna. I tried but there seem no way a plebeian can get these to her directly. I’m told she likes poetry and as you will see, she inspired some of my work since I started writing recently.
Please go to BajanPoetry.com and do a quick search on the website for “Rihanna”. I think you will find 5 of them. Your comments would be much appreciated and your willingness to do this would be a godsend.
Sorry to disappoint you Khaidji but I was just joking abt the care package. You've given me too much credit, I assure you.
I understand she surfs the net whenever she can so hopefully word will get to her about your poems, which are truly lovely.
Bajegirl. Wow! Silly me! You always seem to have the scoop on Rihanna, usually sooner than our local news. Just recently you had the American Awards clip the following morning. I say you are on top of your game. It was easy to believe that you had a fly on the wall, if not the direct channel to our superstar. It was not only my desperate efforts to reach someone in her camp.
Did you notice that all my poems have a message down the left spine. Sometimes I highlight them, especially when they are not the title of the poem. The same was true for the others I sent you. Today, I’ll use your name. Apologies for playing with it!
Buffoonery seems my new realized skill
And it took less time for me to fulfill
Just my eager attempts to reach a star
Excited to think she knew who you are
Girl I’m sorry! Your joke was on me
I’m glad however you saw my poetry
Read and commented and now you know
Let others too, put my widget on show
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