August was a great month. Not only did my kiddo turn one on the 26th, but one of my fave R&B sngers ever, Whitney Houston, released her long-awaited comeback album I Look To You.
The world knows of Ms. Whitney's trials and tribulations; they were splashed all over the internet and the tabloids for the last eight years or so. But to an 80's teen like myself who grew up on her music, she was the Grammy-winning, platinum-selling diva of her day.
I can still recall singing into a hairbrush along to Saving All My Love For You while pining dramatically after my first teenage crush; declaring my independence with her cover of Chaka Khan's I'm Every Woman; and singing at the top of my voice along with my girls to Exhale (Shoop Shoop!).
I can't wait to make some new memories off Whitney's new album, and as a tribute to her and her wonderful comeback, I set myself the onerous task of listing my fave 20 Whit hits. I've interspersed them with images of her studio album covers to date. Here goes....

20. All At Once - Whitney Houston
19. Didn't We Almost Have It All - Whitney
18. All The Man That I Need - I'm Your Baby Tonight
17. So Emotional - Whitney
16. You Give Good Love - Whitney Houston
15. I Have Nothing - The Bodyguard Soundtrack

14. One Moment In Time - Produced for NBC for the 1988 Summer Olympics
13. I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney
12. Saving All My Love For You - Whitney Houston
11. I'm Your Baby Tonight - I'm Your Baby Tonight
10. How Will I Know - Whitney Houston

9. Greatest Love of All - Whitney Houston
8. I Will Always Love You - The Bodyguard Soundtrack
7. I'm Every Woman - The Bodyguard Soundtrack
6. Try It On My Own - Just Whitney
5. Miracle - I'm Your Baby Tonight

4. My Love Is Your Love - My Love Is Your Love
3. I Believe In You and Me - The Preacher's Wife Soundtrack
2. For The Love Of You - Whitney
1. Exhale - Waiting to Exhale Soundtrack

Welcome back, Whitney!
Didn’t We Almost Have It All
Didn't We Almost Have It All
I Have Nothing or no one to call
Didn’t want to Try It On My Own
Not when I go So Emotional when I’m alone
This One Moment In Time I concede
When you’re All The Man That I Need
Exhale, cause I’ve been Saving All My Love For You
All At Once I’ll say, my love is true
Look into my eyes, you’ll know, I'm Your Baby Tonight
My Love Is Your Love and it feel so right
One kiss and you’ll see I'm Every Woman you want me to be
See the Miracle of love that beats deep inside of me
Then you’ll know that I Will Always Love You
How Will I Know, you ask, and I’ll say I do
And that I Believe In You and Me
Very true, I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Even still, I know we’ve got the Greatest Love of All
I know You Give Good Love, the best I can recall
Those that try to steal my heart or cause you dismay
All For The Love Of You I’ll turn them away
Let these 20 songs by Whitney remind you of her greatness
Learn why this Diva was and is a remarkable songstress
whoa that magazine cover of whitney she's actually looks like she's pulled herself back together. good for her!
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