Anyhoo, I decided to come up with 10 do's and don'ts for sporting tattoos:
1. Do keep it simple, stupid! Thinking big is usually an admirable quality, but not necessarily when you're getting a tattoo. How many times have you seen an oversized lower back tattoo (also known as the 'tramp stamp') peering out from under a lady's top and wonder what the heck she was thinking? Simple is always better.
2. Don't tattoo your breasts! There are hundreds of women walking around Barbados right now with all kinds of designs on their chests, and I wonder if they know that gravity ain't a female's friend. Besides, that can't be good for the breasts at all.
3. Find out what tattoo symbols mean. That Sanskrit or Kanji symbol might look real cool on your shoulder blade or ankle, but I don't think you'd be too happy if you found out its meaning was 'moron'.
4. Don't get multiple, multi-coloured tattoos. This picture says it all. She looks like she was mutilated.
5. Don't place multiple tattoos on one limb, especially on a leg. It looks like you have a skin disease.
6. Women, please don't place tattoos on your upper arms, 'cause you look butch as wuh. Unless that's the look you're going for....
7. Never tattoo your boyfriend's/girlfriend's name on your body. Partners come and go but tattoos remain, unless you can afford painful laser surgery. Even the Tattoo Queen herself, Angelina Jolie, learnt this the hard way, erasing her ex-husband Billy Bob's name from her arm after their divorce. Don't tattoo your own name on yourself either. Unless you're in the habit of forgetting it....
8. Never tattoo curse words on your body. You'd think this was a given, but alas, no. Remember, you won't be a rebellious 20-something forever; at some point you might care what other people think of you.
9. No offence, but don't bother with a tattoo if your skin tone is very dark. The tattoos are barely visible and coloured tattoos on dark skin tones look extra weird.
10. Men, tattoos won't transform you instantly into a macho stud. There's nothing sadder than a guy with biceps like ping-pong balls with huge tats plastered on his arms. Try hitting the weight room instead.
Have a good weekend!
NB: It was not my intention to offend anyone with this post. It is done tongue-in-cheek and based on what I was seeing in my own country. I have nothing personal against tattoos, far from, actually. So get a grip, peoples!
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»LOL! Yeah I like these rules!
Sigh. As I said Amie, I have nothing against tattoos. I actually like them, when they're well done and meaningful. And yes, I have heard of Suicide Girls.
You're giving me too much power too; I can't influence anyone not to have a tattoo. That's a personal choice. Peace, sister.
These actually make a lot of sense when you think about it :)
Some of your rules I agree with, putting someones name on you is always a bad idea... But most of your rules do suck, sorry..
These rules make alot of sense, over-tattooed girls do look butch & silly, it makes them look cheap & tacky too! You make alot of sense :)
Your comments on other people's tattoos merely show how little you've actually looked into the art form of tattooing. Tattoos are more personal to some of us than you give credit for. It's sad that you're trying to make yourself the tattoo police. Do's and don'ts should come from an experienced tattoo artist who knows what does and does not work, not some schmutz who doesn't even know what makes a woman sexy. If I were to guess, I'd say you aren't even into women.
These don't "make sense if you think about them." I'm not going to both to disagree one by one with the rules but most of them are stupid.. Simple is not always better if you want something beautiful.. So a stupid simple black butterfly ids better peaking out than a beautiful colorful intricate piece of artwork even a person who doesen't like tattoos could appreciate even if just for it's aesthetic appeal? Multiple tattoos can be great.. anywhere, on anyone, if they are nice. Lots and lots of simple tattoos can look like crap but multiple tattoos on one limb, on a girl's chest, on a skinny guy can look great if they are nice tattoos. I don't think most regular old lads and lasses who aren't seriously into tattoos are going to get a full sleeve anyway so why even put that as a rule? And why when you are trying to make a point that women with lots of tattoos look butch do you post a picture of a very non-butch pretty girl with tattoos? Yes kanji tattoos are stupid but if you want one you should be sure of what it says. And you definately shouldn't get lover's names and curse words...
I think tattoos look absoloutly amazing on anyone male or female, admittedly some tattoos can look badly done or cheap, but most tattoos these days are done to absoloute perfection and multiple tattoos are amazing designs and a beautiful piece of artwork on a body. Women getting tattoos is increasing more and more all the time, and i dont see anything wrong with decorating your body. I can see your point with a few of them, but girls dont read to much into his opinion, because thats all it is an opinion. =]]
Ignore what some of the other idiots here posted...
These rules, for the most part are really entertaining and practical.
I agree with them.
well, i agree with a lot of what the people posted.
like most of youur do's and don'ts are youur opinion. bc my aunt has 13 tatoos on many diff places & it doesnt maker her any diff looking the she is. So i think youu should change the title to something saying its youur opinon, although a few do make sense
am a girl got full sleeve and it means alot to me its personal and im lovin it !! In Africa ,Japan the old world the new generation old folks people allways all over the world were and still are decorating they´re bodys if it is to remember a feeling or to make a statement whether they are black blacker ,white ,whiter ,pale ,blue orange its they´re choice there are no rules ahm and do you even have a tatoo to make all these "rules"?Because if not its non of your business to do so
Wow, I can't believe that six months after posting this I'm still getting comments.:) Ah well, at least I know you're reading the blog.
Let me reassure all those who have gotten hot under the collar that this is just my opinion...have blog will write and all that.
Even though I still stand by my original post please don't take it so seriously. I also beleive Barack Obama would make an excellent President, but I can't influence that decision either. ;)
Peace and love.
i agree with the rule of a point! my tattoo is simple, but i have seen some intricate elaborated designs that are absolutely gorgeous! however, pay attention to cramping everything in there.
I think that these rules are completly true. I myslef have 4 tattoos and am getting a 5th soon, but i would never over-due it like many of the people in those pictures have. Too many tattoos just look trashy as hell and its so pointless if they arnt meaningful. It pisses me off that people talk crap about your rules when im sure thier bodies are covered with dumbass pointless tats. When you have that many how can they all be meaningful?? Bottom line, if it doesnt represent something significant in your life or past, then you shouldnt be getting it. And chances are you'll be jobless and regretful down the road.
Okay..Clearly you are oblivious when it comes to tattoos...First and foremost...Unless ur a tattoo artist ur words are bull and have no merit what-so-ever. Especially the "dark skin" comment. Its a matter of being shaded correctly. Black ink on dark skin is beautiful..and FYI color shows up just fine. You have pic of Jackie-0 and her sleeve is amazing. Sleeves are amazing period..And you are no one to sit here and critique what a person and should and shouldnt do when it comes to tattoos.
I believe your blog is incredibly bias. Tattoos look different on different people, and to each their own. I have seen many beautiful upper sleeve tattoos on women, and there was nothing "butch" about them.
...anyway this is just my opinion. But I hope anyone reading this does not take this blog serious and will form their own ideas. If you really do have questions and concerns about a tattoo you'd like to get. Talk to a tattoo artist, if their a good one they'll offer suggestions and have more experience to give you an educated advice, as opposed to this blog.
"I think that these rules are completly true. I myslef have 4 tattoos and am getting a 5th soon, but i would never over-due it like many of the people in those pictures have. Too many tattoos just look trashy as hell and its so pointless if they arnt meaningful. It pisses me off that people talk crap about your rules when im sure thier bodies are covered with dumbass pointless tats. When you have that many how can they all be meaningful?? Bottom line, if it doesnt represent something significant in your life or past, then you shouldnt be getting it. And chances are you'll be jobless and regretful down the road."
one you probably have 4 shitty tattoos, people with many tattoos that say they have meaning it doesnt have to mean it has a personal meaning in their life for example a Japanese Fu-Dog strength courage a protector etc. there you go the tattoo has meaning to it, dont say oh it has no meaning to you personally so its has meaning so shut the fuck up jackass have an open mind
i actualy think some of your rules make sense for example not putting ur spouses name on you, thats true but whether or not a person want to tatoo their name on them thats their ecision and i often time like it
the more detailed, the better... your skin shrinks so if u get something super small it sill disappear into a blob when you are 60... but you are old then anyways so you wont care what your body looks like. I think tattoos are a great motivation for people to keep their bodies looking good longer :)
but getting your boyfriend of 5 minutes name on you is a bad idea, although corresponding tattoos are kinda cute i think, like the whole lock and key bit.. only because im thinking about doing that with my hub-hub~!
EXCUSE ME! But tatooes on dark skin does look hot, what the hell are u talkin about? like 50 cent has too much and that does not look very nice but its just like anyone else that has many tats like that.. so whatever dude
This was one of the most ridiculous things I have read in a very long time. Opinions do not make facts. Especially if your opinions are incredibly misguided.
I love how all you did was make a blog about your opinions.. and I do agree with both sides.. like sleeves and stuff mean something, and usually are done on differnt times and you add and you work on them, but names and tramp stamps and getting tattoos just so you have one is stupid
but anyways, it entertains me that people come on here and they just rot you then re read things and then rot what they say haha
people chill!!!!!!
vive la vie homes
hell yeah, especially the trampstamp one, if anything its a measure of how easy a girl is to show the rest of said tatoo, really its a debauchery to the art, its a shame some people don't have the foresight to ask their inkmaster what they think might look good, or their opinion considering they're usually left to work with descriptions of "fairy" and "ass"
I think that your rules are a great idea for you, but I can see why other people would disagree. I have a tattoo on my upper arm and yes it makes me look butch, but I am butch so I guess it matches the look. I have seen women who have tattoos that I have thought horrible and women who have lots of tattoos that made me want to see them in a string bikini ... just ofr curiousity! It is all personal taste I guess. I know I will not regret my tattoo and I am planning on another one. But I am taking a great deal of time to plan it out. People who just jump into it with out thinking I fear will regret it down the road. My 15 year old sister wants two to cover up some bad scars on her back from cancerous tissue that was removed. When she is 18 she is getting it done for her birthday. I see nothing wrong with it, a sensible tattoo would be better than 5 inch scars!
I do not see the point of your dos and don't s you seem not to like tattoos so just say so . Do not try to influence others as you have by speaking like an authority on the subject with your list.
Those who have tattoos most likely love them no matter what part of them droop it could be a reminder of a great time in their lives whether they touch the floor or not. Use some common sense say you do not like some thing great but say these are the tings you should not do and you are taking responsibility for their mistakes.
some of the "rules" make sence but others just dont . these "rules" are more like an opinion .people get tatoos for a reason ( usually ) and yah doing something stupid like writing a curse word on you or a gf/bfs name is obviously a stupid idea. but remember people that have a good reason and have thought there reasons threw and are shure they want one all the power to them . i mean who are we to say no you cannot do that to another person hey no i dont like the way that arm tatoos look on people so you cant get one i dont know you but still no tattoos here here or here k thx ? okay makes sense ...
Tattoos don't always have to have MEANING. People do it for the you have a meaning to every piece of artwork that hangs in your home?
Hey guys he/she is telling the truth! If you are goin to get a tattoo then make sure that it is tastefully done no matter what the design. And yes tats on really dark skin just look like birth marks no matter how much they shade it in, i should know, i have one!
Well, I see your point on some (tramp stamps are way over done and names (unless it is a tribute to a lost loved one) and curses are generally a foolish idea, and very dark skinned people should generally stick to bold tribal designs that stand out against their skin and avoid multi-colored tats like the woman in the picture), but the others I have to respectfully disagree. Multiple tats can look great if you have a good artist that can blend the images together. Also, I actually prefer larger tats to smaller ones. It is a greater display of artistry and detail. These "simple" and small tattoos you talk about are nothing more than flash that anyone could have. Put some thought into a design and make it yours. I hate seeing some one with a little butterfly on their ankle just to say they have one. Finally, there is nothing worse (to me) than seeing a guy with arms the size of a small child with a tat as big as a bottle cap. Talk to your tattooist to find out what will flow with your body. This leads me into your last rule about skinny guys getting tats to look tough, well you are right, it may not make you look tough, and if that is the reason you are getting it, then don't. I am very thin and plan on getting a half sleeve in a couple months. The reason being that the image is of spiritual significance to me and, as I said, I don't like small tats. Your basic idea was OK, but you put it across in such a way that you fell flat on your face on many of your ideas.
why can't people just accept the way it is, everybody decides for him-/herself what tehy like and why.
I think people considering to get inked shouldn't listen to strangers' advice but talk it through with close friends/family, get informed and really know what it is your going to mark your body with.
Tattoos are artwork and don't automatically make you look cheap like some people think, but again it's up to you. you might regret your choice later on if just go and get that creepy fish on your butt because you want to try it.
but please don't get too mainstream folks. it would be so boring if everybody had the same lovely little tat on the ankle.
love from an ink freak
There is only 1 reason to have a Name tattoo'd on your body is if u lost a family member, or a loved one!
Thats the only reason i can think of!=]
Plus it makes alot more sence to have a name of some 1 u lost "some 1 dead" then some 1 u broke up with or devorced.
For some reason for both Male/Female Tattoo seem to attract others.. Makes em more atractive!
I think Men Look sexy With Tattoos.. also depends on the person too!
Im only 17 and i been thinkin of goin to collag and learn more about art in tattooing.
i been in art classes all my highschool and its just amasing how most tattoos bring out the inner person in most ppl!
I wana be a Tattoo artist that bring the true inner person in People!
Tattoo's have a way of doing amasing things.
Every 1 knoes the meaning "Picture has a thousand words"
well tattoos have a thousand meanings.
Meanings that most people wont under stand!
I have Two tattoos myself 1. A gaurden Angle 2. Chinese sign of "Sinner".
There on my inner ankles.
I did them myself.
And i thought the tattoos i do myself have more meaning then a picture outta a book that u find pretty!.
thats all i have to say!
ok these rules are great but i have a question, im a 15yr old boy and want a small tattoo in a place where my parents won't see preferably on my ankel but im not sure which to get an anklet or one of those cool japanese or chinese tats preferably with the meaning "master" which should i get?
who cares about any of this life is to short to woory about what someone else thinks. To get a tattoo or not get a tattoo. Just be nice and love one another.
well,some of them are true...but what I can say I'm most defended by is the"skin tone"you said "if you're dark skinned than don't get one there's no point cause you can't see it and it looks weird if you get a coloured tattoo"...I am a DARK SKINNED black person...and I would like to get a tattoo...and okay,the other "rules" you wrote down for getting tattoos can be shared,but this one could've been a thought for ONLY you...I am very offended and I hope you start thinking from other peoples perspectives...i know you're getting fed up cause everyone keeps on writing on this and i know it's "your opinion" but really;you should've thought twice before putting that "rule down" cause there's many dark skinned people and obviously there are some who actually look at your blog and are going to read this,so you should've thought twice...cause that's just bein plain ignorant even if it is "your opinion" or "your point of view."anyways,i'm done
I think it's great that we live in such a wonderful world with so many opinionated people! :)
Everyone is entitled to their own style.
I agree with some of these statements and not with others...what it really boils down to is simple...What you like and how well you pull it off no matter your gender, skintone, size, or placement of a tattoo or tatttoos.
Making yourself happy is much more fun then caring so much about what others are doing and thinking, period...And life is supposed to be fun!
And yes, I am a heavily tattooed women and I love myself and my artwork and I don't care if you think I'm butch as wuh.
I'm black and my tattoos are fine...
:S... It's pretty horrid of you to make judgement just think that...
And I have a UV Ink tattoo that lights up in Uv light, and coz I am black, looks that much better..
So I really don't know what point you hope to make with that 'rule'
give the girl a break man,
its her own opinion,
let her say it.
if you wanna say your own..
say it on your own blog?!
too funny.
your rules are very stupid and close minded. they are all basically telling women to not get tattooed cause YOU dont like the way they look. you dont have to worry though, cause women like that would never be into you anyway. i have no idea the sex of the person who posted the rules, irregardless. here is the best tattoo advice anyone can get. the BIGGER the BETTER! dont get tattooed by your friend or something just cause its a good deal. tattoos are forever and worth paying up the ass for to an amazing artist. such as eric jones or something. get color tattoos, black and grey is so old fashioned and there is so much more that can be done with color, inks nowadays are much better and stay in the skin alot better. get custom pieces, flash is usually gay and you dont want something someone already has.
i understand thats this is youre freedom of expression, so somewhat contradictory to the point i am about to make. Tattoos are a freedom of self expression, and art - how they effect youre appearance should hold no credit. By thinking women should only get feminine discreet tattoos - which i am aware you didnt actually say but its written between the lines of this - is fairly sexist. I find this article degrading as a woman and embarrasing that people still feel this was about the ancient art of tattooing.
oh and also id like to dispell this myth that tattoos must have some kind of hidden meaning like per example - umm like i totally have this star to represent my dead grandad - its horse shit. Its great when a tattoo has a meaning like that, and its great that people turn to tattooing for a catharysis but often the best tattoos are meaningless. When you have a tattoo youre letting an artist use you as a canvas surely that is all the meaning you need?
oh and another the racist commentary about blacks having tattoos, i can assure you in the ancient art of tattooing black people have been tattooing a hell of a long time before it reached the western world. And another thing if you did a bit or research you would be able to see that in tattooing now there are inks designed for darker skin tones, in black and grey tattoos white ink is used alot.
As a professional with a multi-national company with many tats, I have to add another rule that I feel is very important:
11. DO NOT get a tattoo that can't be covered easily for work.
I have turned down many applicants that were more than qualified for jobs simply because of tattoos placed in plain sight (i.e. neck, knuckles, forearms, etc.)
One that sticks out in my mind was a woman that had swear words tattooed on her knuckles. She had applied for a job that would include traveling to Japan on a regular basis to represent the company. Japan has very little understanding of tattoos as we know them. The look at everyone with tattoos as violent gangsters.
The woman lost a $250,000 a year job because of a bad decision made as a teenager.
I agree with these rules. I have tattoos and agree especially with the one about guys with tiny biceps. They should go lift some weights and then get a tattoo. maybe then people will be able to see it better when its on a bigger canvas.
you have some good points and though it is your right to have your opinion, I think you personally have a problem with tattoos period. It's a form of expression. I too feel that you shouldn't get something unless you can look 20-30 years down the road and still know your going to be happy with it. Don't get something your into at the may not like that certain thing a year from now.
LOL. You're all a bunch of idiots. These are just personal opinions. Why the heck are you getting so upset about it? And these rules DO make sense, that doesn't mean they're being pushed on everyone. Like said, to each his own. If you want something, go for it. Btw, that "dark skinned" poster, learn to quote correctly. You were so far off you just changed the whole meaning. Anyways, deuces. Think about your tats :)
ok there are very few of your comments that i agree with but most of them suck. not because i disagree with them, but because its because that how YOU see it and you obviously cant see it from our perspective where some tatoos are awesome, i am a female with 2 half sleeves and i get compliments from everyone on them evenm people without any tattoos who are like 80. one of my half sleeves is entirely flowers and water, thats not butch. and im actually very femenine. i just want to point out that we get shit for our tattoos from everyone, why dont you just try and look at our tattoos how we do, mayb you will see it like we do.
Everyone calm down. This list is the opinion of ONE person and I don't think it's going to stop anyone from getting the tattoos they want. It's supposed to be funny - not serious.
The only rule I had a problem with was about the guy with skinny arms getting tattoos. If he got the tattoos for the express purpose of looking tough, then it is sad. But if he just happened to want to get tattoos on his arms, that's his choice and it's not sad.
im pretty sure you dont know what your talking about because tattoos are works of art no matter how big or small you are or the tattoo is. besides your not gonna talk people out of getting tattoos because people have their own sense of thoughts. the way i see things are you only live once so why not do what you want. if a tattoo looks good on you at the time and it makes you happy right now then who gives a shit what it looks like in ten years or what anyone else thinks
Hi there everyone... just wanna say that i love tattoos i have 5 and two are on my back and they are quit big everyone loves them. if you spend time and pick one that you really like then theres no problem.... i think that small tattoos are a waist of time you need something eye catching and meaning full.... i do think some tattoos look crap but if the person likes it then there shouldnt be a problem and other peoples views dont for them do's and donts there a pile of crap some are ok like having your bf's names and that... and as for women having tattoos on there arms i say go for it i have one and i dont look butch.... far from it..... any way bye for now :) x
hahaha that was funny as hell to read, i like the one with 50 cent, however i disagree about the one with women becoming butch with tats on their arms, i find it sexy
Absolutely ridiculous! Tattoos on dark skin makes a great combo. I wish I was darker to do a color combo like that. The best of both worlds.
whoever said, "Japan has very little understanding of tattoos", needs to go online and look at Japanese people. They have a lot of understanding of tattoos. They are the ones who get their entire body tattooed, so they're not going to think that someone is a "gangster" if they come to Japan with tattoos.
As for the rule about "tramp stamps", i have to disagree. It is not bad for a girl to get a tattoo there, and it does not mean that that girl is "easy", as a lot of guys would say. I have a tramp stamp myself, and i definately do not regret it. all my friends like it, boys and girls, and my tattoo artist said it was one of his favorites that hes ever done.
Some of your do's and dont's are correct, but i would have to say that most of them are bias, and 1 is definately racist....sorry but it's true.
wow if you guys have an issue with her ideas for a GOOD tattoo, get over it. dont abide by them then.
its not a personal attack at you.
or a tattoos.
she just thinks theyre special, and that they should not be tacky.
good idea,
thanks for these :]
most of your rules where ok
but it does not matter on the tone of your skin people should have watever done to them if they want it then its ther decision. and i find it discrimination because you are saying if i am dark skinned i should not get a tattoo. and by the way the world does not revolve around you, and if you was to walk in my tattoo shop and tried to pass your remarks girl i would kick your ass and then i would kick you out. and put a tattoo on your forehead saying control freak.!!! peace...sista
Omg i agree with yuu one hundred percent with these rules!! although i also believe if the tattoo is meaningful then its not so bad!! but they are awesome rules that to me are just common sense, although i do want to get a big back piece done eventually && i am female. However i am still not sure. But girls have better lookingbacks than guys anyway!!
Tattoos are expressions, it is each and every individuals personal decision what they will get. WHO CARES, if you dont have to have them, why do you care?
Seems to me you've made some people upset.. i agree for the most part.. but listen people!! Everyone has their opinions on things and has every right to post how they feel about it every where and anywhere. for example... your comments you are leaving on here! c'mon let it go if you think your tatoo looks good and i dont! get over it! you cant please anyone.. annnnddd one more thing if you're a tatoo artist that does not mean you know everything there are many types of artists and i've seen some awful tatoos done!! this is just a post of someones opinion... thats what makes america so great!
Haha, I love how angry or excited people are getting over your "rules"! It shows what a diverse society we live in, it's great!
It is very true that your rules are biased opinon, because I have seen many beautiful sleaves on women, and some meaningful lower back tattoos, and most of the time, simple isn't better when it comes to tattoos. Also, names can be a good thing; spouses, I agree, isn't a good idea, but the name of your children, your mom or dad, of people who are always going to be a part of you life, no matter what, can be a very nice tribute to the love you feel for a person.
The taboo of tattoo culture has shrunk exponentially in the past decade. Tatooing is art, an art of expression that everyone can, and should, enjoy. Don't judge a person for the way they express themselve, revel in the fact that we live in a society where we are lucky enough to have the right to tattoo our bodies and express our opinions.
Well, some of these "do's and dont's" are ok. But the first one, keeping it simple.. I totally disagree with. Sometimes, the more detailed and intricate, the more beautiful and artful. Granted, I don't have a tramp stamp LOL! Second, tattooing your breasts isn't all that bad, especially if it is done right and you have good genetics! Good advice on the kanji.. 'nuff said LOL. Multiple multi-colored tattoos often look awesome to me more than not. I think it's just because of the woman's skin tone or something that it looks weird. It's a bad example. But the woman below her, GOOD GOD she needs to sue whoever tattooed her. As far as tattooed chicks, they make me wet my panties! I think they are hot and it DEFINITELY makes them more beautiful. It is a form of art that most women won't dare brave. I am a girl and I have 13 tattoos, all over. And am damn proud! Also, don't diss dark skinned people, great tattoo artists can do great work on ANYONE. I've seen it. So if they want to get art, why should they be restricted because they're darker?? Hmm.. :| Kudos!
I personally wonder why all of you are getting so pissed, if you don't like her comment, then don't read the site. Everyone has a right to have their own opinion. It's called freedom of speech. Sheesh, get a life and stop harrassing her.
to each his own.
I agree many people get tattoos that may look rediculous to some people that see them, but to each his own really. If a person wants a tattoo you think is dumb, let them get it. Black people should get tattoos even if they are really dark, women should get tats on their arms if they want and em and it wont make 'em look butch. Some of these rules are a bit ignorant because its all about what the person wants that has the tattoo on them.
There is danger in making such vastly generalized and shallow comments. You say you appreciate "meaningful" tattoos done "right". I highly doubt you've spoken to any of these individuals. Perhaps what you consider gaudy is both a piece of art and an extension of oneself (to those you criticize).
To each there own.
I'll continue to look beyond the skin.
Oh my gosh! A blog that states an opinion! How unheard of!
Tattoos suck 90% of the time. I automatically have less respect for someone with visible tattos (when they're wearing normal clothes and I can see them). And with every passing year, they look worse.
Enjoy your "meaningful art" in 40 years, morons.
I don't really see why people are so against tattoos. I could understand if it were maybe 40 years ago when it was odd to see people with tattoos but now it's odd to see someone without one.
I have quite a few tattoos and I'm a girl, and I've never had bad comments about them. It's so common now to see tattoos, no one is really that phased by them anymore.
I love tattoos, and I do agree with some of your rules because there's nothing worse than seeing a tattoo on someones skin that has had absolutely no thought put into it.
But hey, it's their body. And if I don't like it I don't care because after all, it's not on my skin. SO maybe people should keep their opinions to themselves. If you don't like them, don't look at them. :)
this is pretty funny really
good set of rules from a normal sane human being.
and clearly for some of the people who have commented they seem to think their opinion of what makes a girl look "sexy" is better than anyone elses.
and again good list
I honestly dont care what anyone elses opinion is on tattoos. I love them but thats a personal thing. I also get a good laugh out of the people on here that are complaining about you judging but they are juding you for your opinion. People get tattoos for all sorts of reasons and I think that each one has a reason and a meaning even if we dont understand it. I just wish people wouldn't be hating on each other so much and hide behind a computer screen. I wish we could all just accept another opinion as purely an opinion and not a personal attack.
People are only rebelling with comments cause one of the do's or dont's applied to them.
Its just a humorous thing? The author may think it to be a personal opinion - but others may just find it funny - no need to take it to heart.
who every wrote at 9:01pm i bet ur sister is a TRASH BAG haha....this chick that wrote "the rules" is so completly right like i have a tattoo but it sweet n ur arm looks like shit 2 haha
Don't get mad at a person for posting their opinion when you're sitting here posting your own.I'm sure all of you have a controversal opinion of your own about other subjects. And who calls somebody a "trash bag?" Honestly...
i think tattoos is a passion not a trend and if you are truly in love with them there is no limit on what you can have how big or where
As someone that has quite a few tattoo's, I would have to disagree with this post. I draw all of my tattoo's and no matter where I put them, they are special to me. They are meaningful pieces of artwork that describe who I am. I'm actually working on a full back piece right now that (I'm sure) will be very intricate, colorful, and big. I doubt it will make me look butch. Although, if I had a shaved head and bulging muscles, I'm sure the tattoo on my upper arm would make me look butch. Then again, I'd look butch without the tattoo's. You should definitely make sure you let people know this is just your opinion. You're "unintentionally" pissing a lot of people off. But hey, that's just MY opinion, and you don't have to follow it if you don't want to. =]
I've never laughed so hard in my life. Not becasue of the rules, but becasue of how many people are getting shitty when one person makes their opinion known, and call then closed minded. they themselves are closed minded for not taking in other opinions.
If you dont like whats being said, don't read it.
This was so funny to read all these comments and i promised myself i wouldn't join in with the madness and leave one myself but here i go lol... i think if you want a tattoo, get one. simple as ... these rules are quite good for a first timer tho... Lol... lovess xx
yall need to get a life seriously and leave it alone. this is one persons ideas of tattoo rules. it doesn't mean everyone has to like or agree with them. ok? great now stop getting so worked up about something that isn't a big deal
wow... sounds like someone needs to chill out and get a life. Tattoos aren't that bad and it shouldn't matter where people get them because it's their body and we only live once. Be a little bit more excepting of people and quit judging. :)
i agree 100% with these rules. having seen so many older people with huge, saggy, faded tattoo's, i think that anyone considering a tattoo needs to think thirty years down the road; not just in the present day and age.
also, anyone who feels personally offended to these is obviously insecure and takes way too many things personally. look around our cities and you'll see so many people who look silly with a certain tattoo.
a man walking with his wife on their anniversary has a huge tattoo on his arm that says "trust no one"; and another that says "bury the living" yes people, some tattoos are just dumb. get over yourself.
A lot of people have posted replies suggesting that the composer indicate that this is their opinion...obviously it is no law, it is written in a personal blog, and she is not shoving it down anyone's throat. She posted it on a webpage that has to be visited in order to be read.
She even posted a disclaimer explaining that it is meant to be tongue-in-cheek. It's a note of the writer's character that the blog or any of the comments have not been removed, even after receiving such slanderous replies.
There are a lot of things to consider when getting a tattoo and this person posted her thoughts. No prob. Now let me post mine. I currently do not have a single tattoo but have always appreciated their beauty. Yes, they CAN be beautiful! But you need to consider: skin tone, size of design, style of designs available (know your options!), what it means, placement. I think that is really what the blogger was trying to say. Too many tattoos are picked due to peer pressure or an obsession of the moment, by young people AND adults!
There are too many pics on the internet to give one an idea of how it looks on a real leg or arm to NOT do personal research first. Just like you were buying a VERY expensive dress! But another important fact is 'who' is putting it on you -- always check out their own portfolio first. Some are dud artists, some are divine:)
i think ur rules r stupid but the name thing i agree wit 100% but if gurls want multiple tats let them some look nice with it if they no how n where to but the tats besides y do u care its not ur body n its the way they express theirselves its their personality duh.......... its their way or appreciating art!!!!!!!!!!
All of you people arguing against the writer and actually making yourself sound ignorant.I, personally am very big into tattooing and do it only for the art. Not a public statement. and these guidelines (not LAWS) are very good. the people get kanji or hanzi all the time and know nothing of what it means. Don't believe the tatto guy unless he is first gen Asian. And not the take-out delivery guy either!
"Tramp Stamps" can look very good. if kept simple (not small).
Multiple tattoos on one canvas, not so nice. We all loves Comics, but do you really want to see Super man beside the Mona Lisa in a museum?
"EXCUSE ME! But tatooes on dark skin does look hot, what the hell are u talkin about? like 50 cent has too much and that does not look very nice but its just like anyone else that has many tats like that.. so whatever dude"
You are getting upset at the writer then agreeing with him? "...Does not look very nice..." Enough Said
your rules are stupid....
i know you didn't mean to be offensive but tattoos are a PERSONAL STATEMENT OF INDIVIDUALITY. You call it mutation. We call it expression. Get real.
While I'd have to agree with the boyfriends/girlfriends name thing and that kanji and/or tribal tattoos are gay.
But besides that, your way outdated.
It's okay tho your probably just OLD!!!!!!
i think that a tattoo is a form of art. you would buy a beautiful picture and put it on your wall right? well imagine if you could portray your art on your body! or even someone elses. some tattoo artist, no scratch that.. ALMOST ALL tattoo artist are amazing artists!
people can do what ever they like.
i personally couldnt rock the sleeve, but i think that people who have them are cool! only if they are nicely done of course.
i agree no names of lovers. but other then that. go ahead
Tramp stamp!! HA!! I love it!
I'm sure if you posted a picture of yourself I could go through your appearance and point out all the things I think you do to yourself are wrong.... People get tattoos for themselves, because they like them... not because they're "fashionable". Anyone who has a tattoo would agree that we get tattoos to please ourselves... not other people. This just goes to show how close minded and ignorant you are.
these rules are definatly opinions.
i'm getting a halve sleeve tattoo this friday...
do's and dont's should be written to help people out that are planning on getting tattoos.
~follow your artist's aftercare instructions
~find a good parlour that is clean
~go tanning after
~get drunk or high before getting a tattoo because it thins your blood. promoting more bleeding.
~expose fresh tattoos to direct sunlight for 2 weeks.
now THAT is what do's and dont's should be.
very good do's and dont's. But tattooing is an art, regardless of anything. One rule i dislike is number 9. If a dark skinned person wants to tattoo themselves, they can. No "Tattoo Police" will stop them. Im darkskinned and all my tat's are very visible i have color and they came out beautifully. Yes, some dark skinned ppl are really black but they should try and stick with black outlining.
Also, i love when women have tattoo's on there upper arms. It shows individuality and risky chances. Something most women would want to do but would never becuz of reactions from others. A lot of women look very sexy and gorgeous with full upper arm and full upper body tattoo's
i think that the rules you have posted make since. if you are going to get a tattoo at least make it worth it why do you want something big, bulky, and possibly ugly on your body forever. people need to take more time in thinking about what they want on their bodies.and thoses that sit there and call your ideas stupid if they did not like them then why did they finish reading them some people also need to grow up and respect other peoples opinions. thanks
wow. some ppl are absolutely ignorant. if it bugs you that much to read this article - dont post anything at all. seriously?recognizing that there are always 2 sides to every story, is something i think a lot of people have to keep in mind. i do agree with some of the things ppl have posted, i myself have a couple tattoos. i realize the meaning behind them, the freedom of expression, and the prospect of personal statement. you are who you are, and sometimes we show our dedication to someone or something by inking it on our bodies. tattoos are also the show of amazing art work executed by amazing tattoo artists who display true talent. true talent should always be recognized. but seriously, there's no need for bashing this insightful author. ie: one of my best friends got a full sleeve done. shes a beautiful girl - absolutely GORGEOUS. and the first time i saw her done with it, it totally took away from her whole visual identity . . . she hasnt got a date with a guy since. (shallow i kno - shes such a great girl). look at it this way, you wouldnt put a bumper sticker on your brand new ferrari that says "HONK IF YOU LOVE PIZZA" with hearts dotted over the I's?! just somethin to consider.
These rules are cool & yu make a lot of sense ; Lovers names & curse words : a "no-no!" . Upper arm & full limb tattoos for ladies : hideous ! This world should have more sensible people like yu ! =)
Haha! Oh my gosh, I think that was the funnest waste of my life yet! XD XD
Hehe, people are funny, aren't they?! :):)
I can't believe we read half-way down, scrolled and random-read the rest, and ended up all the way at the bottom!! XD XD
Ok well i was searching chinese symbols for my daughter and i to get matching tattoos and i read your do's and don'ts .. honestly i was hoping for anything medically speaking... but some of your points do make sense.. i have two tattos and lol the first one was of a name which i had covered tactfully.. my second is a lower back tattoo and i was shocked when my neice said to me Aunty you got a tramp stamp ... and when my sister told me .. i hope you never have to have a spinal tape cuz you just fuked yourself.. anyway when you think of your daughter having a tattoo you think of it a bit differently in ways.. i cant say that i'm totally happy with my choices and i wonder why i'm considering another one with all ive learned
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So he/she made a list of do's and dont's. woopie. that is their view. and they already said "i do not mean to offend" take your righteous egotistical bullshit and shove it. as for the post, i comepletely agree. alot of people do not think at all before they get something. i mean hell ive been thinking for almost 2 years about mine, and just last week y sister and i changed our ideas AGAIN.. now its just the matters of finding where to put it lol. my point? grow the hell up people, opinions are like assholes, everyone has them. =) enjoy yours.
I'm sorry, but weren't blogs thought of so people could say their opinion? ... that's what I thought.
Seriously...people...calm down. >_<
I think that your rules are reasonable, but everyone has their own opinion. Mutipule tatoos..they can look nice but not when you're cramming everything on one limb. I also think lovers names and curse words are a BIG no-no. Along with the breast tatoos, they look neat, but they're trashy in my opinion. It's like they're saying "Hey! look! I have boobs!" =D You're a woman...we know...-_- As a girl, I'm pretty sure that those types of tatoos, along with ones that go across your spine, are pretty painful.
One thing that kind of ticks me off is people getting tatoos that don't mean anything, cause later you think 'Why did I get that?' and you regret it. And that's after you spend good money and got through some pain for it. Then you have to pay more money to get it taken off.
Before anyone says anything bashing me, I'm thinking about getting a tatoo when I turn 18, and I'm thinking hard about it cause I want it to mean something. I'm designing it myself and I'll probably get the help of the ink master to make it as flattering as possible on me. There's nothing better than a tatoo that's flattering to the person it is on. That's my rule.
然 does not mean moron, it means: correct / right / so / thus / like this / -ly
I like your rules! =) IRSP
your opinions are very conservative biased.. YOU are a direct part of the reason why good working class men and women are forced into substandard jobs limiting there ability to advance in this modern day conservative piece of shit society. YOU and YOUR conservative friends and acquaintances keep our so_called subculture a social taboo as if we where a bunch of lepers. do you think you will ever see a sales rep for BMW, AUDI, MICROSOFT, COKE, etc.. with a visible tattoo or body modification? i believe the answer your looking for is no. your modern day puritanism disgusts me. for that, you simple minded little girl, you will pay for though the manifestation of negative karma in your life. by the way 80% of my body is tattooed, have a nice life.
You all are (excuse the term) retarded!!! Its a persons body and as long as its not offending you or anyone who cares where they put it or how large it is! Oh and to the Breast tattoos, Chest tattoos, Women with sleeves, and Lower back tattoos rude comments about easiness and slutty................... I have all of these and would love one of you too tell me these comments to my face, really i would because before punching you out I would drop my pants to reveal my "Classy" Tattooed and my pubic mound and than show you the middle finger that I have a bomb tattooed on and tell you to sit on it!
Oh yeah little bit to add, Im 27 fully employed, fully loved my by boyfriend that has 3 tattoo's and have as of right now 52 tattoos!
In sprit of the true punk................. F**K You Conformists! just because we dont fit your picture of what tattooed people "Should" look like or the way they want to decorate their " Temples" you think its ok to class us all as " Trash" Easy" BLAH BLAH BLAH, Im so happy Im not one of you!
great rules, wheres your tat at?
so basically dark skin black people shouldn't get tattoos...
kinda racist.
but whatev.
Wow people are crazy these days. I'm thinking of getting chinese letters down my mid back. I'm not sure yet. But I got kind of scared when they said that it's gonna wrinkle and get sucked in when i'm 40. so i dont know yet. but these people are really getting offended. you did say some of the rules kinda in a rude way. thats probably why everyone is so riled up about it. but its ok. many ppl are being rude back. i think its pretty funny and just to think that so many ppl think differently. oh and i love the #10 rule that somebody else made up about not having it visible for work. dude that really sucks for the lady not getting the job because of it. thats sad. but anyways....i'm getting the tat. :o)
I agree with some of these, but def. not all of them. 1, tattoos don't have to simple. If someone wants a heart/smiley face/w.e let 'em. But if they wanna make that heart/smiley face more intricate, then let 'em! Cuz seriously, sometimes the more intricate, the better, cuz sometimes its boring just to have it plain. ya know what i mean? And i do kinda agree with the comment above me...that rule is kinda racist...
but 4 the most part, i agree/ =)
I totally agree with you...on ALL the rules! People are just mad b/c they're probably sittin there with a "tattoo no no" feelin stupid LOL
I have what people call a "tramp stamp" and i love it. i honestly dont care what people think about me and my tattoos. i dont care iff you like them or you think it makes me look stupid or easy..its me, my body and my tattoos..if you dont like it, dont look at me.
All of these so called rules show that you know nothing about tattoos or the culture surrounding it. I´m speaking as a tattoo artist, and b t w, not all girls aim to please and be girly.
I've got to agree with your rules buddy, but you did forget one crucial rule. If you want to pursue a job in business where you wear a suit and meet customers all day, don't get tattoo'd below the elbow line or on your face or neck. I'm speaking from experience when I say that in the business world, nothing really is more unattractive than visible tattoos.
I just got the Hail Mary in Chinese tattood above my heart a few days back. It's unique and pretty damn nice too. =)
I like tattoos and have them, and just came across this blog in passing. I like the idea of the rules, and they made me giggle, surely people can see thats all these are meant to be? Why get angry and aggressive over someone else voicing their opinion/views in a way they see fit? (as long as its not racist, that I don't agree with) Anyway, good on the author for having a sense of humour! well done, but sadly the only thing that ruined this blog for me was people reactions!
I gotta agree n disagree wit sum of ur opinion rules. U still can get a tatt wit a name done but it could jus b a family member instead. I have two tattoos and they r personal tattoos 1 is a scorpion n i got it because my horoscope is Scorpio n 2nd tatt is a chinese word it says Spirit because all my life people have said I got Spirit. I'm going to get a third which is going to be a chinese symbol tatt saying Water because A) Scorpio is a water element & B) it goes with Spirit.
mosta of this is common sense lol
so this is how easy it is to get a rise out of people? lol I need to think of something stat. ha god people need to get lives
I agree with Amie. I think that most woman look awesome in tattoos, no matter where they are. You probably don't even have a tattoo. I'm 17 years old, and I have 2 tattoos. I absolutely love the fact that woman now have the power to get tattoos and look sexy in them...
I agreee 100% with this ! :)
I can't help but laugh my ass off while reading these comments. It's just some persons views don't take them to heart. I personally have Kanji on my left shoulder blade, I lived in Japan for 8 years of my life, I know what my tattoo means and what it stands for. I also have a "tramp stamp" on my lower back. Sorry I'm not "easy" or a slut just because I have one. I got my tattoos for myself and nobody else, all my tattoos can be covered up when I leave the house by a regular t-shirt. Don't let people bother you when they are just saying what they think, listen and then move on.
I agree with these rules think they are funny and true - although I have what you call the "tramp stamp" on my back so you will have to excuse me from agreeing with that one as I do like my tattoo and havent ever felt like a tramp lol. for the most part though, I have three tattoos, going to get my fourth at the end of the month and have to agree with your sentiments :)
I agree with most of the rules. Some kind of discriminatory, I'm not gonna lie. Scrawny ppl and dark ppl should be able to find some way to get a decent looking tat...js. Even if I didn't agree, there's no need to get all offended or offensive like some of these ppl did...why get so mad when your blog is just a personal opinion. That's what blogs are for so some ppl need to seriously calm down! Just thought I'd point that out as well.
Hello... I think you are making this do's and don't's based only on how a tattoo LOOKS... and that is probably the last reason when decideing a tattoo, I agree it is a personal choice and your review is not good enough to take it in count when thinking of getting a tattoo. I also agree with a guy that said this kind of review should be done by an expert on the issue. This is only YOUR opinion, and opinions are individuals thoughts, what seems ugly for you may be beautiful for others. I didn't like what I read here at all. Good luck next time, and try to be more informed when judging a topic.
I definitely agree with your rules. I think subtle, simple tattoos are more feminine and more appealing. I will say though that I do like large tattoos when there is just one, multiple tattoos in one spot look too busy, like there's too much going on and ones competing with another. I say if you're going to go big, a one track mind is the way to go. Tattoo sleeves would be much cuter if there was a theme, when I see someone with tattoos all over their arms I don't even look at individual tattoos because they all just jumble together. It's not as appreciated as a something simple and significant.
i think these rules make sense but then again they dont... people can get whatever kind of tattoos on whatever color offense but tattoos do look bad on dark skin doesnt mean u shouldnt gett themm....but as i was saying... multiple tattoos look good... i agree with some of these rules...
The heading to this page should read, "My Ignorant and Facist Tattoo Opinions."
So totally agree with ever rule you said , They all make sense and are so true ,
a tramp stamp has nothing to do with how easy a female is, its the way that she acts that makes her easy. freaks
these rules some think are stupid but personally i agree with you on all of the rules. its your own opinion and mine. nobody can take that from ya. speak your mind. freedom of speech and press baby. use it!
Everyone needs to chill!!! Your complaining about this bloke sharing his opinion on the internet yet non of you hesitate in writting your own like its what everyone SHOULD think! Its just an opinion, nobodys going to take any notice of what 'someone they've never met' thinks about their tatts! x
I think this is a great guide! But it's the writer's opinion and He/she didn't say it was THE guide you should follow (so stop going on and on about it...) The guide was based on his/her observation, which is pretty good.
please dont ever put tattoo does and donts again. half sleeves or even sleeves do not make girls look butch. i have a half sleeve. i'm a girl. i dont look butch. their flowers. skinny or musculer guy look good with tattoos. i agree with the name thing. thats about it.
dont saying anything about tattoos unless you have some of your own...
Hahaha! I think those people who don't like your rules actually fall under some of those categories...that's why it hurts them bad....LOL....I love your rules...totally agree with them all.
most of those opinions are pretty shallow. I agree with some of them, not most.
just my opinion, and only an opinion.
I think permanent tats are a waste.
Tribes in the Amazon have been doing awesome body art for ages using all natural ingredients that aren't even permanent.
They are the real tattoo artists.
I do jagua tattoos all the time, I do like my tattoos, and yes i dont tell people they are fake, because they arent 'fake', they are just temporary and can be touched up.
again, my opinion, and only mine, so dont go on a flaming rant about how jagua tattoos have no meaning or what not. go tell it the folks in the Amazon.
hahaha, very very amusing. and yes, these rules DO make sense for the most part. and yes i do know what im talking about. i have multiple tattoos, many of my friends have tons of tattoos, and i am an artist. the only rules i strongly disagree with, however, is that simpler is not always better, it depends on the person, site, subject, etc. (although if you are getting your tat done by a shitting artist off the street or something i guess this rule should apply..)
i agree with some of the comments.
but if u dnt want to listen to them then dont its your choice.if you want to get your bfs or gfs name tattooed on you then go for it.
i dnt agree that girls shouldnt get upper arm tattoos. some look very classy, but then again a big women with a little horney devil tatto lucks rediculous but that goes formen aswell. to me its not what you have its how well the tatooist is. you could have the most beautiful tattoo design ever but if a backstreet crapper does it you have no chance.
Tattoos are personal for ANYONE; I don't think anyone has the right to say "well this looks bad, and thats a dumb idea, and i don't like this"
it's really none of your business whether someone wants to get "f*ck you" tattooed on their forehead or if a girl wants to get her upper bicep tattooed.
If you even HAVE tattoos I bet their not that great. So please, do us all a favor, along with all the other people who agreed with you. Just sit down, shut up, and appreciate good art when you see it. & if you don't like it don't say nothing at all. It's not your place, & your not the one who paid $200 for it.
um everything was coo except for the one for chicks with tattoos on there arms... that does not make u look butch unless u already look butch, look for a better looking chick...
Lol.. this is quite funny i have to say, heres quick run down on my opinions...
1. TRAMP STAMP.. generally known as the "tribal" style.. but also can be reconised by placement on the lower back area. However a nice tramp stamp can be mind blowing! So why not comment on an awesome tramp stamp?! maybe propose how good it is... instead of taking your anger out on the not so "awesome" ones.. lol and if every tramp stamp was awesome, you really would be bored! ;)
2. Breasts tattoos..
you actually used a perfect example lol.. eve's paw prints.. are actually very well done.
Gravity isnt a womans best freind, true.. every woman knows that surly, so whats the real reason for this act then? maybe to attention seek.. or maybe media inspired?! quit with the online survey, and do a real one! Tattoos on the breast are safe, but is skin lighting cream. ;)
3.Kanji symbols...
With this one your just jumping on the band wagon of hate, plain and simply. Everyone knows to make sure it reads what it reads. point blank! To be honest.. dumb people who know nothing about art or tattoos or just think they no it all and dont want to listen deserve dumb low quality tattoos!
4. Multiple multi coloured tattoos.. lol...
You keep using good photos its not helping you! She looks stunning.. not many women can have a arm tattoo like that and still pull off such an outfit! So eat your heart out. shes obviously an artist of some form.. SHES PULLED IT OFF! *thumbs up to her*.
5.Multiple tattoos on one limb..
Ok this example.. fair play, their not great tattoos and not greatly done nor greatly arranged.. but i bet their are some awesome ones out their.. that urd probably stil even cast a blind eye to! If she came to me with her leg.. yourd want one after ;)
6. Upper arm tattoos... u can still look butch if ur fully clothed, if u look butch get a make over, simple as that. Its only seemingly butch due to fact that its a prime location for the male to have theirs done. Thats probably what your used to seeing.. and so then they end up getting the tramp stamp! just let them breath dammit!!! The funny thing is.. angelina jolie has a upper arm tattoo.. butch yes.. lol ok!
7. Angelina Jolie.. yes the whole partner name thingy mijig aint the greatest idea.. and prob more rel'ships end then last, but.. what about the ones that DO!!! I think this idea should replace the ring on the finger lol.. maybe stupid people wont jump into marriage b4 even having a rel'ship. But if you want to declare your undying love for someone and you believe this is the ultimate way.. then why not!
8. LOL.. i agree with this one!! well done.
9. I dont agree with this one.. like all tattoos unless its a huge front or back tattoo.. you generally have to look closely at it. that makes sense! You used a brilliant example... 50 cent.. you cant see HIS tattoo and what it is, because thats not the vocal point 50 is the vocal point. His back piece is a awesome piece of art! Colours are generally a no no.. thats exactly why 50's tattoos are colourless, nice one 50 you thorgt about what would work best for you!!!
10. Now you've just insulted every slim tall person with big tattoos.. but i bet yourd say why have you got such a small tattoo if it wernt huge! total contradiction. You seemed to raised points.. and not even tried to think of reasons to back you up! If you think you have the right to give an opinion be prepared to back it up.. and if ur back up is "because its looks stupid" then keep your opnons to yourself and continue in the small world your from!
Sorry for wasting my time! :)
i actually agree with this. but you affended a lot of people so for future references, keep your opinions to yourself.
Everybodys entitled to their own opinion but were you never taught if it aint nice dont say it? Its ok to have an opinion but when your blatently slagging people thats when it becomes a problem. I have the virgo sign a woman and 19 stars on my right leg/ankle/foot all done seperate times by three seperate artists and it blends in very well so does that mean im a big butch girl? No and about the meanings it means everything to the person gettin it tattooed onto their skin and thats the beauty of the art!!! my mum has a dove on her ankle that my nan chose it has no signifigance other than lookin nice does that make her an idiot? she also has mine my brothers and my dads name on her too does that make her an idiot as well??? I think unless you can put you opinion into a constructive paragraph without basically calling every woman with a tattoo a tramp or an idiot or butch then your opinion would be able to be valid. And seriously would you walk up to somebody in the street and go you look like a tramp cuz you got your back tattooed?? or to anyone with any tattoo and goin ha your an idiot your tattoo has no meaning?? No you wouldnt cuz its bullshit like a person could have a memorial tattoo for their dog but to us itd be like uh its a dog but they chose to have it there to remind them of it the point of the art is to let your personality show on your skin to let the outside world see the inner you in the form of art (and yes it is art) and of course some people are gonna kick up a storm but last i heard it was a free country and that freedom of expression was allowed and if your gonna slate somebody for expressing themselves with a tattoo then you should not be allowed to express yourself on a blog
Hate those people telling what to do with a tattoo, how and why :) Why so many of them!
The only rule I can really agree with is rule 3!
Always get to understand the meaning of a symbol and its cultural context.
The dark sin comment, is almost racist! I don't think you meant it that way! But there is a quality that dark skin than light skin can not get! And vice versa. Black and Grey work can look amazing on dark sin, even with less contract! If you have dark skin! the tattoo is still really obvious to you! That sounds like a white skin comment :)
The rest of the comment really! Tongue and cheek is fine if it pleases you! But really! I also have the feeling you do not have tattoos! Or you have really beautiful tattoos?
A tattoo is something personal! Judging a tattoo with knowing the person, is like judging anything we don't understand. Sounds slightly 'elitist' to me.
For people who love tattoos, or want to learn more! Maybe the first step would be to get inspired by Looking at beautiful tattoos! Even if you think you don't like tattoo, you might be surprised when you realise it is actually one of the most beautiful art form out there! Woman or man! A tattoo can be beautiful!
Visit , you'll see some beautiful tattoos from all over the world. And especially new style and traditional Japanese Tattoos!
"the difference between a tattooed person and a person who isn't tattooed is that a tattooed person doesn't care if you're tattooed or not"
your "rules" are stupid BUT as an opinion its alright it stands for YOURSELF. im a little asian girl and im almost tatted completely. im about to finish up my WHOLE back tomorrow and i have the right side of my ribs tatted. to you they might not mean something but they mean a lot to me. do you even have a tattoo? yeah having a tramp stamp WAS a trend but you cant say that girls have their upper arms tatted "butch" im planning to get a sleeve and not to be vain but im FAR from butch and i look like a total girly girl. you wouldnt even know i have tattoos until you see me without clothes OR when im in a bathing suit. you can stand by your opinions but you need to reword them. tattoos are now a trend and theyre coming on strong.
TATTOOED WOMEN ARE HOT! sleeves only look "butchy" on a girl who is ALREADY butchy.
It's called freedm of speech and freedom of expression. We have the freedom to express ourselves through large, colorful, trampy tattoos if we wish, just as this person has the freedom to express their opinion about them. It is not my place to agree or disagree with any one person, and although some of the rules make perfect COMMON sense, not everyone has common sense. I think that instead of condemning someone for their opinion, we should all embrace the idea that we have the freedoms to voice our opinions in whatever form we choose and give thanks for the wonderful country that we are in that affords us that.
Ok I am so sick of everyone bashing Kanji tattoos I have one I know it is right and I am sick of people saying they are stupid. So just stop bashing them I think they are sexy and SOME PEOPLE (i.e. the idiot who made these "rules") needs to stop telling people what looks good and doesn't it is not your place to tell other people what they can or can not do with their bodies! You just sound like a pompous ass who is trying to be better than everyone else.
First of all, you are completely wrong about everything you said people get tattoos for a reason every tattoo has a meaning. Second, if someone wants to get a tattoo with their boyfriend/husband let them do it its their choice...i am getting one and there is nothing wrong with it. Yeah sure guys/girls come and go but if thats what someone wants then thats what they want! Everyone is intitled to their own opinion yes, but you make it seem like your opinion is right but its not!
this is highly entertaining.
people get so worked up so easiler.
nice little laugh haha
last person couldnt spell for shit but whatever i have my boyfriends name tattooed on my lower back and i couldnt be happier we've been together for 4 yaers even if we were ever to break up(knock on wood) i wouldnt get rid of it because he is a huge part of my life and i wouldnt just want to erase that
I think this has been hilarious to read!! :0)
People who get tattoos so they think they look good are funny.. Personally I think they should be for you and only you.. and everyone can see them who cares.
I'm a 30 yr old year lady and I have 12 so far and just booked in for 13th tonight.. i'm nowhere near done. And I have my partners tattoo'd on me but I had it done in Chinese and its in the same tattoo that I have my kids names so my family can stay together. it's the whole size of my lower leg and in 2 yrs have not had 1 'bad' comment about - yet i am a respectable, nice person with a sweet as office job.. no one is none the wiser if your not a show pony about it.. but who cares about the show ponies anyways.. it's there personal choice and good on em.
LOVE TATTOOS and if I could win the lotto i'd be covered, girl or not!!
half or most of what you said is complete crap! i have no tattoos, but i am an artist, and appreciate serious art...what i do agree with you on is stupid "tramp stamps" and tacky "macho stamps" (and yes, even a beefy guy cant pull that off)...
also, less is not more...taste is everything. it doesn't matter if it's "nic-nac" or "head to toe", if it's tacky, it's tacky....what bugs me about some tattoos, is when people pick out something like they're accessorizing ....don't put anything on you unless it has significant meaning to you! least a name of a lover, will be truly special to the person wearing it... and if you break up, just tattoo over, or remove it.
Oh for God's sake people! The blogger is allowed to have his opinion. These people writing in to bash this author are probably the idiots who broke the rules up there and now are trying to convince themselves they are not stupid rather than trying to change the author's mind.
If you have the idea to go and tattoo sleeves and get covered, guess what... you just limited the markets you may work in. No company is going to hire a CEO who has tattoos from one end of his body to another. It does not emote "Professional" to the company or their clients. No one is going to trust a doctor who looks like he just pulled out of a biker bar. No one is going to want their children to be taught by a woman who looks like she would be more at home at a biker bar. You can say thats not fair and bych and moan about it but its the truth.
Following the advice of the blog, you may still compete in those job markets but for you guys writing in "I got my entire face tattoo'd" My arms are covered.. blah blah blah. Unless you cater to others like you, you're never going to be taken seriously in the job market. Unless you limit yourself to only working at bars or tattoo shops or sex stores, then you may have a job but hopefully you aspire to do more with your life.
Kids if you read this blog and are considering a tattoo, think more than about the "artwork" and how "pretty it will be" or how "awesome"! Think about how the rest of the world will view you and form opinions of you based on how you appear to them and think about what career you want when you finish your educations. Many people get their body tattoos because they want to portray a message, but most people wanting to be taken seriously in the world are trying to make a message with their education, work ethic, professionalism and demeaner.. not "Hey look, I gotz a tattoo so I'm badazz"
Think about these people covered head to toe in their tattoos and think of how often you see these people working in the environment around you. Cuz guess what.. you don't!
Think about it. And to the original author.. spot on! Don't let those offended by your post bother you. They are more bothered with themselves than anything else.
"Tramp Stamp" or lower back tattoos on females who want to have children are a bad idea. That is, unless you don't mind giving birth without getting an epidural.
Also, getting tattooed on your inner arms is bad because they won't give you an IV over a tattoo.
I have several tattoos. I'm also a little worried about the health risks of tattooing behind the ears (although I am tattooed there)or anywhere that is over a lymphnode at all, actually. I'm not sure how valid that is, though.
I advise talking to your tattoo artist about placement. All of these really sensitive spots can be avoided with a little artistry!
ok. so i am in the middle of receiving a kanji tattoo. i agree that if people dont do their research they are complete morons. however if one has researched and thought it through then bravo, it will look amazing. as long as meaning is behind it i dont see a problem with it. mine means "brother". and my brother is getting "sister". THAT has meaning to me so i dont give a ..poop what you all think really shouldnt open your mouth unless you are prepared for the consequences. Yes...what you say in general has some merit...but for you to do it offensively and to use actual people to prove what YOU think to be correct proves how biased and shallow you are as a person. I would like to see you face each one of those individuals and repeat your opinions to thier face. Isnt gonna happen is it? Stop wasting our time and go away. And while you are gone try to appreciate life a little while you are at it
I love your ideas and your opinions and they make tons of sense. Also I like how non-threatening you are. You just say hey these are things to think about not I think what your doing is wrong. Kudos!!
Wonderfully funny and thought-provoking! it was interesting to read all the different views of people in the comments so thank you. And I say this even though I don't agree with everything you said.
I also think tattooing is an art but as an earnest Christian I decided to pray and talk about getting a tattoo with my pastor first and explained my deep spiritual reasons for it. and I think the most helpful thing he told me was to be careful and think of all the consequences because tattooing brands you to others permanently. If you want to accesorize or are obsessed with something at the moment, then there are many impermanent ways of expressing yourself that you can choose from. I'm all for creative expression (I'm an artist) which is from God who is the ultimate artist but the Bible also tells us to consider others since our lives consist of relationships, we're not islands. So, I got my tattoo to commemorate a huge milestone in my spiritual journey which I think praises the Lord but I think to cover it up in certain situations when it's obvious it might cause others to stumble in their own journeys. And that's my personal little tidbit for this interesting discussion!
PS: As an Asian I can confidently say it's a fact that tattoos are still taboo in countries like Japan and Korea even though there are strong tattooing traditions. Their general societies still associate tattoos with gangsters. Through Western influence this is slowly changing now.
I actually found your blog insightful. I don't know what the big "issue" is that people are having. It made sense to me. I am going for my first, and my husband wanted me to get his name, and I was really feeling like, ehhh....I don't think so. And your confirmed it for me. Thanks!
All one need do to see how totally STUPID most people are, is read comments posted online. All the complaints about what you wrote, saying it was "just your opinion
and not facts", yada yada. You wrote it, so OF COURSE its your opinion, whose else w-o-u-l-d it be? Obviously you ticked off a bunch of ridiculously tattooed freaks who look more like extras on a Star Trek episode, than any normal person. Develop a personality, and you won't need a tattoo to try to garner someone's attention. I will never understand why those who would ordinarily be fairly attractive people, choose to walk around looking like circus oddities. You don't put bumper stickers and decals all over a Porsche, but you might an old Ford Pinto.
Food for thought...
My 18th birthday is approaching and im planning on getting my 1st tattoo then. reading these rules i think have actually gave me some good advice, they make alot of sense. Ive seen ppl that fall into some of these categories and i would think the same thing!! Both parents have a couple tattoos each, the ones on my mother look fabulous even though they arent exactly simple =, quite the contrary. Ones that my father has- well maybe if he would've read this he wouldve made a better decision =]
One Rule you should add is NOT getting a tattoo of a brand in style. Like Ed Hardy or Sinful.. these fads will end after this season lol seriously...
oh and all these ppl dissin your rules prly have these rediculous tats and instead of owning up to regretting it they're just getting mad at you for stating the obvious...
I don't see what the big deal with everyone is. Why the hell are most of you acting all butt hurt over someone's personal opinion? its not like the person is forcing certain rules on anyone. Theres no point in getting offended and pissy over something written on the internet. what are you going to do, call the writer hurtful names? ooh scary.
do what you want to do and don't let anyone change your mind it's your own mistake if you regret it.
ok, first of all i think that if you have an opinion about something then its your own business. if you dont like what she says then dont read it.. you all make yourself look stupid for even caring. go write your own feelings on your own website, she was very right and the only reason u all dissagree with her is prob bc u all look butch/stupid with the tattoos that you have. but honstly i think all her thoughts were completely true =]
Your rules are kind of stupid, no offense. My take on it is that tattoos are a form of self expression and should be done to please the wearer, no matter how it looks to others , no one has any right to create "rules" for others to follow for their tattoos. I encourage all people to not take this seriously because TATTOOS AND RULES DO NOT GO TOGETHER!
upper arm tattoo's make women look butch?
ok if we're going down that road then its the 60's and women can't wear pants because only men are allowed to.
im a woman with a COHESIVE sleave. its not just a bunch of "meaningless" junk. its a big picture, something you must obviously not understand.
i think women who are strong willed enough to defy what people like you say against them like getting a large tattoo is the most feminine and sexy thing a woman can do. i think ill switch out of my skirt and put on some pants now.
Tatts are for those who have little they have try to have one "drawn on". LOL!!!
Everyone bitching about what you
posted. If they were so secure and sure about the tatts they have, your opinions (which you have EVERY right to) would not matter to them. Hell, if they tatt up their fucking eyeballs, I wouldn't give a damn....since they most likely would not be anyone I'd care to be around anyway. So go out and cover yourselves with tatts, losers....just makes it easier for the rest us to avoid you!
Okay, I am a tattoo lover and I have 3...and getting more, but I agree with most of what you said. And what I don't agree with, well who cares?? Everyone has a right to an opinion.
Anyway I thought that you should add to the one rule with the names...I know someone who not only put his girl's name but her PICTURE!!! and now they are divorced...LOL...sorry that one was funny to me, cuz he already had to cover one tat up from a previous g/f name and then he only made this one worse!
everyone who is bashing u is probably butch woman who are just pissed off at what u said. i like tattoos aswell but im not getting one unless it has some meaning... and just about everything u said here shouldnt be tattood on someone, you're right. i think u have a lot of points and make sense. those butch chicks can go feel embarassed about themselves somewhere else k thanks haha
i have to say that mentioning suicide girls here is the dumbest idea ever. those girls are so trashy its pathetic. and they have the saddest contracts on earth.
i agree with most of your rules. although i think girls with half sleeves can be hot. some of them just look ugly tho, but that obviously can go for guys too.
idiots that think color shows up fine on dark skin are so wrong. i have many tattoos have worked in tattoo shop and have many friends who are tattoo artists and everyone who knows jack about tattoos knows that really dark skin and color do not work well together.
and people who say "it's just your opinion" CLEARLY its an opinion. its a friggin blog not a public notice. chill out.
people do what u want with your bodies who gives a shit what this person thinks or what anyone else thinks tattoos are suppose to be uniqe so why bother getting what everyone else thinks is appropriate
Wow, I bet when you wrote this blog you didn't think you'd create such a stir. Lol!
There are some very strong minded people on here I get that, but as many people have pointed out before, this is the opinion of one person. Whether you agree with it or not, there is no point in attacking the author. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Read it, agree with or disagree with it, laugh about it, and forget it. Life is too short to get angry about some text on the internet. :o)
I come from a very tattooed family. In fact, a tattoo was my 17th birthday gift from my dad who is a tattoo artist with more than 20 years of experience. The rule of names on your body I stick to unless it is your child. But the rest of them I can see the point of a persons opinion but not everyone has the same opinion. Opinions are like butt holes, everybody has one. And just like butt holes no one wants to know about or see yours.
most points i like but.. Dark skin with tatoos is way sexy ..
Hahaha it cracks me up that so many people take this soo seriously!
Honestly, everyone is entitled to their opinions and you can choose to go with it, or disagree with it. It's just an opinion people - don't go all crazy!
I believe the person that posted this put it up for mere entertainment value. If you don't like it, don't read it.
I thought it was funny :)
So I don't see why people are taking it as you saying. "DO NOT GET A TATTOO" if you fall within those rules. People are so close minded and don't get it at all. Everyone has their own personal opinion. I'm a female. I have 8 tattoos. All but 1 you can't see on a regular basis. I love tattoos and plan to get many more. But I do agree with a handful of the so called "rules" which aren't rules just an opinion. Too many people are getting tattoos without meaning and without thought. Which you can see when you walk around. And well as a law student, I know how hard it is to get a decent job with tattoos that can be seen. People don't think about it at all when getting it just as a HELL YEAH DUDE IM GETTIN A TAT! Not the consequences or the outcome of visible tattoos. But again, what you said... IS NOT A SET OF GUIDELINES to get a tattoo. It is a personal opinion. So everyone needs to chill out.
People are leaving the most ridiculous comments!
I'm 18 and about to get my first tattoo (after I decide what to get!) and I actually do agree with most of the things you mentioned. Of course, I have different preferences from other people on here, and that's what makes getting a tattoo such a unique experience! It is on YOUR body, forever! (usually)
Everyone bad mouthing the author needs to shut up, seriously. They are opinions, not the freaking bible or rules of the universe.
Make your own blog if you have something to say!
so what if someone tattoos his/her name on their own body?? i have the chinese character of my name and also the initials of my name on my arm... better then having some random kanji tatooed though...
I agree, it's sensible. =)
I agree, it's sensible. =)
Whilst you may have some pre conceived ideas about people, ever heard of each to their own...
i disagree with you "rules" and as to the person who thinks that all tattoos have to have a significant meaning. You need to lay off the miami ink episodes and spend some time in a real shop
I just want to know if you get paid for all of the hits/comments your blog is getting the way they pay youtube people for how many hits they get on their videos.
in my opinion everyone that has written on this blog taking this so seriously is stupid. this is just someones opinion of what they believe are do's and don'ts on tats so don't take it so seriously if you'r views on the subject are not the i can say that i agree with this persons opinion but even if i didn't i wouldn't take it offensively like most of you are.again just my opinion on this dumb blog argument about tats. c[:
There are very few tatoos that actually look good on chicks!! Some chicks look good enough to sport any tatoo though and make it look good ..
Just picture those ugly ones especially when they are about 70 years old .. Real butchy then ,, imagine the grandkids questions ....
I very much disagree with the dark skinned color people shouldnt get tattoos. They are the first people to have tattoos. And tattoos arent always about looks they have meaning to them. I think your being very racist. And that picture was a bad example because I think he looks sexy. And no im not black so stfu.
I think if you are committed to getting a tattoo, no matter if you are black, white, fat, skinny, tall, short, male, or female, do what you want with your life and do not dwell on what others think of you.
- Matt Thomas from
I do think tattoo's are a good personal kind of choice...but i do agree with your thoughts. If somebody is going to get a tat they should first think about how it's going to look in the future however amazing somebody my thing it looks at the moment...
I agree 100%. Especially about the dark ppl getting color. I'm black and hang around nothing but blacks and I tell the dark skinned ones all the time tht ain't cute. U can't even t3ll Wht it is. And I was goin to get my man name tattooed on me like mariah carey got hers but I'm gud. I'm not tryna b like Angelina Jolie
guys look i totally agree with anyone who thinks this jackass is wrong and i dont have a tat yet. but dont lose your "breath" over them. they are one person obviously not making a huge difference. they dont care what yall post on here. though i do think you should think it through and know what you want and talk to the artist about it. other than that its your body do with it what you will.
Ok some of the rules you have are real, like the simple one but most of them are just dumb and stupid that you made up. yes there your opinion but so what. I'm 19 I have one tattoo so far and am planning on getting at least 2 more. The one I have now is on my wrist and its 3 hearts they all signify something different, one means family, one means friends, and one means love. and when it comes to simple designs sometimes you have to up that a bit to get a good tattoo. Because the second tattoo im going to get withing the next couple weeks is of a dream catcher with a wolf head in the middle of it howling. you can't just have an outline of a dream catcher and wolf in it, that would look rediculious. you have to have details to it like the wolfs fur, the thread being woven between the ring of the dream catcher, a couple feather and strings on it. that makes a good tattoo. plus it actual has a meaning for me. I'm part cherokee indian so it signifies my heratage plus my sister, mom, and me are getting similar tattoos together that are dream catchers, my brother might actually be too. and the third tattoo i eventually want to get is of angel wings. Idk where i want it yet but it has a lot of meaning to me. it signifies my great grandmother who died when i was 9 and it shows that she is looking down on me as my gardian angel.
and for anonymous above me im guessing your a guy who doesn't know anything. cuz it doesn't matter if a girl is sexy or not to get a tattoo, maybe they are sexy and it makes them look better. tattoos for some people make them feel bad ass and make them think other people are bad ass. so if they see a girl with a tattoo it makes them think they are sexier. plus this guy has no idea what hes talking about because its all opinion most people put a lot of thought into what they want for a tattoo others are usually drunk or think oh that will look cool lets get it. so dont come down on people with tattoos because you have no idea why they get them.
I got my first tat in 1975 when it wasn't cool and nobody else really had them.
I happen to agree with everything posted by the original poster.
A woman's arms are sexy and having ink on them looks pretty truck driverish, but hey, that's just most men's opinion. Black ink on black is stupid; you end up looking bruised...or blacker (duh!)
Also, most 'tattoo artists' are not artists at all ---- they are 'tracers'. They trace pre -established patterns. Hell, a kid can do that!
i just dont think the word "RULES" are appropriate if what youre just trying to say is your opinion.
second youre being racist. black and white can have their own tattoo!
about your "rule" in getting your bf/gf/husband or wife's name tattooed on your body, why cant they do it? RELATIONSHIPS DONT JUST COME AND GO. true love lasts.
hey guys! just sharing whats running in my head. :)
Lol I love this :) I can get the top of my arm
Done. I'm married :) so other men's opinions don't matter. Just my hubby's :) and when I'm 95 and in a nursing home i can compare tattoo stories with everybody else. Ps. Most truckies are fat and or bald. I'm neither. ;) I do however agree with most of the original posters comments. Name tattoos unless children in my
Opinion is a BIG no, it's just a real bad omen.
Art form shmart form--they are ugly and hip only in certain people's eyes, much the same as a metal earring stuck into your nose or eyebrow or those stupid black tires stretching out the ear lobe. There is barely a sailor out there who had tattoos done while in the service during WW II that didn't grow to hate them and regret having them done and I will bet you beyond a shadow of a doubt that when years pass, you will all look upon them and wish you hadn't permanently marked your body. No pun intended but MARK MY WORDS.
To those who did not like the publisher's tattoo rules, get a life. It's called a blog, and she is entitled to her opinion which, even though I hate tattoos, all sound to be pretty reasonable. To the black people who think she shouldn't have talked about tattoos on black skin, get over yourself and stop making everything a race card. Go -- tattoo yourself into oblivion for God's sake.
UV ink tattoo? I've never heard of that, but it sounds really wicked! :) Almost makes me wish I was colored. :S
Oh boy... So you hate Tattoos LorbGood? fine. You seem to know nothing about Skin pigment tho so I would STFU about Black Ink on Dark skin. PS.. I am retired British Armed forces and have a lot of ink... and Im adding to it yearly. Now back to the original post, The rules are her opinion, its a public blog so no foul there! I agree with the No-Names rule, so would every Tat artist worthy of the title... the rest of em Im not so hot on, Id replace all the above rules save the "No Names" with this one: "THINK IT OVER CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING THEN THINK SOME MORE...Still want one? GREAT! Go For it " .
So, heres my 2 cents worth. Everyone else seems to have had theirs, so thought i would too ;)
Remember, this is just my PERSONAL opinion!
I personally think tattoos are dead sexy. Do i have any - No i do not. I do think that just a bunch of little random tattoos on some chicks or guys arm is just a little stupid. Try to atleast be cohesive please.
I am currently having my first tattoo designed (i cant draw to save myself). Alot of thought has gone into this tattoo. It involves a guardian angel and my two childrens names and will be on my upper arm. Im a very small girl. but guess what, i really dont care if some random person thinks i look 'butch', im happily married so only my mans opinion matters.
I must agree about the comments that people made about not getting tatts that cant be covered. While i find it extremely sad that my beautiful artwork will have to be covered while at work, i will have to resign myself to always wearing sleeves down to my elbows while at work. Life will be so much better for everyone when self expression is not frowned upon by anyone and any chick can get a full sleeve if she so desires and not have to worry about her 'job stability' because of it.
Oh my god, youre kidding me, right? HAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!
My dad has been a tattoo artist for 20 years, honey. I just so happen to be getting a tattoo of a bat across my shoulders, and a gemini on my hip. Excuse me, but you know nothing.
My bat is for my dad, who has a matching one on his back, and the gemini is for my brother, who has a scorpio on his hip.
I'm also getting one for my grandpa, who died the day after christmas when i was six. some of us actually care about this stuff. Simple is better? My mom had a coloring book, and colored in a butterfly that my dad freehanded on her ankle. Its beautiful. So fuck your logic.
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