Robyn Rihanna Fenty - You all know I like to kid around about Rih-Rih, but all sport aside I'm quite pleased for her. She's like our own Bajan Cinderella, and if nothing else, I'm glad that Barbadian youths have someone in the international entertainment business they can claim as their own. Do your thing, Rih-Rih.

Rupert "Rupee" Clarke - From the time he burst on to the music scene in the Richard Stoute Teen Talent contest in the late 1990's, Rupee won the hearts of Bajan fans, especially the girls. With his then trademark plaits, he wooed them with his hit Ice Cream, had them Jumping and made them Tempted to Touch him. His music has appeared in the Pierce Brosnan movie After the Sunset and on an episode of Desperate Housewives. You go, boy.

"Shaka" Henry - I'm not much of a boxing fan, but I enjoy following the career of local boxer Christopher "Shaka" Henry (right) in the media. He has a tenacity and a belief in his ability that we can all do to emulate. An unblemished home record doesn't hurt either. Hear that, West Indies team?

Stephen Alleyne - I've said a lot about the late Stephen Alleyne in the last few weeks, so all I'll add is that he deserves to be recognised in some tangible way for his contribution to the development of cricket in Barbados. Nuff said.

Sue Springer - Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association Executive Vice President Sue Springer (left) is often in the media speaking about some aspect of tourism and she always does so in a calm, objective way. Since tourism is so important to the economy of Barbados, it's good to know Sue Springer has our back.

"Suki" King - I've lost count of the number of times Ronald "Suki' King has been world draughts Go-As-You-Please champion. There's no doubt that the man has skills; I wish the powers-that-be would recognise that fact.
Somehow your picks resound with me. I have personal experience with most of them that I included in my Stew. I am glad these people were t sometime a part of my life and were able to influence me in some way, even from our casual meetings.
The Dumplings In De Stew
This is my a new recipe
Home gal shared it with me
Each ingredient is strong and unique
Dumplings in de stew is the dish this week
Umbrellas now mean much more to me
Morphed because of Rihanna Robyn Fenty
Put Rupee in, he deserve this much
Letting us know its ok to be Tempted to Touch
Include great performers from back then
Names like Dame Olga, Marvo and the Merrymen
Gabby, Oba, Red Plastic Bag and Richard Stoute
Sportsmen Suki, Shaka and Sobie don’t leave out
In this mix I recommend noted contributors
National participations which deserve honors
Deceased Steven Alleyne of World Cup notoriety
Energy specialist in solar Oliver Headley
Sue Springer does her part to bring
Tourists coming back to our shores again
Every ingredient featured on Cheese-on-Bread
Why aren’t you Blogging her? You must, go ahead!
I have to give you props for one of if not the best Bajan blogger out there. You've done an excellent job doing all things Bajan this month. 41 Bajan personalities...was very informative. Lots of Props
Happy Independence, my fellow Bajan
Thank you both for your positive comments. It's always good to know that people appreciate what you do. Have a Happy Independence!
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