Safe - Safe has a wide variety of meanings depending on the context:
To be safe (of a person) - to be cool, e.g: "He real safe" (He is really cool);
To be safe (of a friendship) e.g: "We safe" - Things are good between us;
Safe (expression, in response to a statement) - Cool, Okay, That's fine by me
Sa'in- something
Scotch- In Bajan slang the word "scotch" is used when you want someone to move around so you could get a seat. For example, you may hear "Geh me a scotch dey so" (used like this it is considered rather impolite). The more polite form would be "May I have a scotch please?"
Other examples are "You want a scotch?", "Try'an scotch'on dey so"
Site- I get where you're coming from
To skin one's teet- to laugh e.g: "She always skinning she teet at some ting or de other" (she is always laughing at something)
To 'sociate wid sumbody- to associate with someone, to be on speaking terms with someone.
To look stink - to look bad in terms of dress or appearance, e.g "Uh uhhhh dat girl look so stink!" (That girl looks so bad)
To study- can sometimes mean to think about something or to be deep in thought,
e.g: "Wha' you studyin?" What are you thinking about?
Stupse- is probably what the Brits call "sucking one's teeth". It is done when you want to show disapproval at something and it can be considered fairly rude.
Sukka-bubby - kool-aid poured into a small, clear plastic bag and frozen.
Source - The Dictionary of Bajan Slang
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