On behalf of the Cheese-on-bread family, I would like to extend best wishes to all Barbadians at home and abroad as we celebrate another milestone in our development.
Today we're especially thankful for having been spared the worse of yesterday's earth tremor and for making it through another hurricane season unscathed. To God be the glory.
To all those persons, Bajan and otherwise, who have contributed to our development, we salute you.
Just to give you a snapshot of how Bajans celebrate their Independence Day; the Independence Parade at the Garrison Savannah began at 8:00 a.m., and all the armed and unarmed units will put on quite a spectacular show there before marching down Bay Street to Government Headquarters, where the Prime Minister will be saluted.
All day long communities will be having sports and other fun activities and of course plenty of conkies, fish cakes and other delicacies will be consumed. In the east, the annual St. Philip Carnival will be taking place (from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.)
Again, Happy Independence all, and stay safe!
Photo: http://barbados.gssites.com
1 comment:
My percept of Independence is setting new standard by which we live, uninfluenced by the pull of our economical peers. If all we do is follow then we are no longer the Craftsmen of our fate. And why can’t we set new standards that others will follow? Are we truly independent when we just flow with the tide and fulfill the dictates of the superpowers?
I live in a world of fantasy
No drugs, theft, alcohol or promiscuity
Death by violent crime and rape to nothing reduced
Every argument settled orally and there’s no kind of abuse
People would rush to our unique shore
Embrace our culture and return for more
Now our Financial wits would record our success
Dollars in our treasury and our overall progress
Economical focus would be a thing of our past
Neighborly love and nationhood superseding at last
Countries may admire and flatteringly imitate
Emulating us the Firm Craftsmen of Our Fate
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