Part - in a question form, "part" is a substitution for "where". For instance, "Part you is?"- "Where are you?" or "You know part de library is?" - "Do you know where the library is?"
To pelt - to throw, e.g "Pelt de ball cross hey" (Throw the ball here).
To pelt waist - to wuk-up
Pon - on e.g: "It pon de table" (It's on the table), "I gine pon Satduh" (I'm going on Saturday).
Pooch - used to refer to one's buttocks
To be a pooch licker- to be someone who sucks up to people
To pooch lick - to suck up to someone, to kiss up to someone
Poppit- an idiot, e.g: "Ya poppit!" (You idiot!)
Poor great- (adv) someone on the lower end of the social scale who pretends to be of a higher class, e.g: "She does act real poor great"
To have poxy feet- to have feet full of black spots and scars
To pitch a slap in sumbody face- to slap someone in the face
To reason that - to think/decide that
Ram/ ram off- full to the max, e.g: "Dat van ram off" (That van is full to the max).
Rangate - another expression of astonishment. e.g. "Oh rangate I'en revise for that test!"
To be righteous - to be fair, e.g: "Dat jes ain't righteous- that is just not fair"
Source - Dictionary of Bajan Slang
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