Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pic o' de Crop Finalists Adrian Clarke & De Announcer + East Coast scene

Adrian 'AC' Clarke is a former Pic o' de Crop Monarch and has graced the Finals on numerous occasions. With probably the sweetest voice in the competition, Clarke is never a performer to underestimate. Hailing from the Allstars Calypso Tent, he will be performing Columbus and Morals and Decency.

Although he only entered the calypso arena a relatively short time ago, Ronnie 'De Announcer' Clarke has become a fixture in the Finals. His singing skills are at times debatable, but he is nevertheless a dynamic performer known for biting lyrics. This year his offerings are Wrong Decision and De Bell. He will represent Allstars Calypso Tent.

Photos: www.justbajan.com

contributor dreadlocs brought back some lovely photos of last Sunday's Party Monarch scene on the East Coast, where Li'l Rick was crowned the Party Monarch for the fourth time. Thanks, dreadlocs!

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