Hey peoples. Sorry for being awayy so long but things have been rough, rough. So much has happened in the last few weeks I don't know where to start!
First, I must congratulate the first female Prime Minister of T&T, and only the second in CARICOM, Kamla Persad Bissessar, for her victory yesterday at the polls.
Wuhloss, Patrick Manning gift wrap his government and hand it to her on a platter. I guess now that he no longer has to worry about matters of state Manning can concentrate on his theological career. Or was he planning on driving bus....I really can't recall....
Not to take away from Kamla's victory but I have to say something about what's happening in Jamaica with this Dudus Coke issue. Prime Minister Bruce Golding needs to help clean up that mess and then resign quietly. For real.
I can't condemn the people who're dying for Dudus because their way of perceiving the world is far different from mine. The average Bajan could never understand depending on a drug don for daily survival and becoming so indebted to him we would lay down our lives for him.
I pray some resolution is quickly achieved in this tragedy before more people are killed.