Before that though, I came across some pics of Rihanna's arrival at the airport, courtesy of the websites Ultimate Rihanna and Nation
Rihanna was greeted on the tarmac by Prime Minister of Barbados, David Thompson, and his wife Mara (far left).

Several presentations were made to Rihanna in the VIP Lounge.

After emerging to a rapturous welcome by hundreds of Barbadians, Rihanna was treated to performances by students from her alma maters Charles F. Broome Primary and Combermere.

Then she was off in a motorcade from the airport to her hotel, where she rested up for the evening's festivities.

I'll deal with the good, the bad and the funny of the tribute show a bit later.
I heard the MC was tacky...
Those of us who viewed the Believe Concert from at home may have had a better vantage point them many of those in attendance. And thanks to Boyce Voice, we were getting photos from the time Rihanna landed. Sometimes, being at home has its advantages. I am generally pleased with most I’ve seen and overjoyed with Rihanna in an impromptu setting. People can be best judge when unrehearsed and for me, she scored top points even when the situations seem difficult.
It’s A Tribute To Her
I too was bemused
The kind of style KB used
Such taunting was a shame
And can only taint Rihanna’s name
This was my feeble mistake
Rihanna was classy and took the cake
I must give this young lady much more credit
Bajan star knows this business and can handle it
Ugly moments she turns into Kodak ones
This gal is in an industry where she belongs
Elation covered her face when the PM declared
This position meant more than she’d been tangibly awarded
One Grammy and a barrage of other trophies
Honor of Cultural Ambassador seemed more than these
Efforts were all out for this tribute to confer
Reception great but Rihanna’s class, It’s A Tribute To Her
Notice the message down the left spine of each poem.
See other poems about Rihanna Here All written by Khaidji
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