Monday, September 24, 2007

Rihanna continues to be a 'bad' girl

Reports are that Rihanna gave a commendable performance Saturday night at the Molson Amphitheatre in London, Ontario, where she headlined alongside Akon.

In her S&M inspired get-up, Rihanna performed a 14-song, one hour set for an appreciative audience. You can read a review of the concert here.

Well, Michael Jackson had his glove, Madonna had her cone-shaped corsets and now Rihanna has her dominatrix outfits. I can't wait to see how she's gonna remake herself for album number four....


Jdid said...

good for her!

Anonymous said...

I love Rhianna! She a good artist, and some bajans here donut like here. Its just they are jealous of the girl! Best wish to her and your Blog Baje Girl! I'm from Barbados also you can check me out :) @ www.RICARDOELLIS.COM Now!