Congratulations to the President of the Senate, His Honour Senator Dr. Branford Mayhew Taitt, who has had the national award of Knight of St. Andrew conferred on him "for his distinguished career and his outstanding service and contribution to Barbados and public life."
Below is the list of the other persons awarded in this years Independence Honours:
For highly meritorious service or achievement in science, the arts, literature, sports, civic duties or any other endeavour worthy of national recognition.
(Number of Awards available: 4)
Colonel Leonard Cameron Banfield, LVO
For highly meritorious and distinguished military service.
Ms. Gail Elma Delores Brathwaite
For highly meritorious service to the financial services sector and her unswerving commitment to philanthropic work with the Barbadian diaspora in the United States of America.
Mr. St. Clair Leolan Harper, J.P.
For highly meritorious service as a funeral director and his contribution to the local transport sector.
Mr. Donald Hill
For highly meritorious service in the area of telecommunications development and his unswerving commitment to preserving the environment.
For meritorious service or achievement in science, the arts, literature, sports, civic duties or any other endeavour worthy of national recognition.
(Number of Awards available: 4)
Mr. William Eustace Alleyne, BCH
For meritorious service to the development of still photography in Barbados and the Caribbean.
Mr. Ralph Anthony Jemmott
For meritorious service as an educator in particular his contribution as a historian.
Mr. Sylvester Earle Niles, J.P.
For meritorious contribution to education and the development of youth.
Miss Yvonne Veronica Walkes, J.P.
For meritorious work as a women’s advocate and a trade unionist.
For meritorious work in the civil, fire, military, police, prison or other protective services or any other similar field of endeavour.
(Number of Awards available: 5)
Mr. Edwin Ebenezer Gilkes
For his significant contribution to the development of the local entertainment industry in particular the promotion of jazz music.
Mr. Keith Hyvestia Griffith
For his unswerving service to the development of sports in particular football and road tennis.
Captain Andrew Ricardo Headley
For his significant contribution to national security during the 2005 crisis at Her Majesty’s Prison Glendairy crisis.
Mr. Michael Anthony Young
For his significant contribution to the development of the water sports industry.
Miss Jean Mary Belling
For her immeasurable contribution as a Secretary in the public service for three decades.
For meritorious work in the civil, fire, military, police, prison or other protective services or any other similar field of endeavour.
(Number of Awards available: 5)
Mrs. Dilease Vitella Chandler
For her contribution to the development of the students at the Roebuck/Louis Lynch Secondary school.
Mrs. Maizie Harewood
For her dedication and commitment to nursing as a public health sister.
Mr. Alvin Livinston McDonald Sobers
For his service to persons with disabilities.
Miss Marcella Cynthia Worrell
For her longstanding service to the National Conversation Commission, in particular her assignment at Ilaro Court.
Mr. Herbert Lawrence Walker
For his selfless contribution to the development of the members of the Royal Barbados Police Force’s band for over a quarter of a century.
For acts of bravery in hazardous circumstances.
(Unlimited awards available)
Fire Officer 246 Pernel Leeverne McClean
For his courageous act of saving the life of Miss Charlotte Parris whose vehicle careened into the Belle Gully during a flash flood on October 1, 2010.